We’ve been challenged to grow the kingdom of God in our territory. To that end, I am excited, as the vice president for ministries and ministerial director, to assist all of our conferences in three main areas that I have always believed are important.
BURLESON, TEX. – The Executive Committee of the Southwestern Union met for its regularly scheduled meeting on Sept. 22 both virtually and in person.
BURLESON, TEX. – From Aug. 2-5, 2021, the Southwestern Union held an Education Convention at Kalahari Resort and Convention Center in Round Rock, Tex. Approximately 325 educators from across the Union were in attendance.
BURLESON, TEX. – The Southwestern Union invites all Children’s Ministries leaders to attend its Seventh Annual Children’s Ministries Training and Retreat on March 11-13, 2022. Themed “God Made Me! Exploring Children’s Spiritual Styles,” the retreat will be held at Lone Star Camp in Athens, Tex. Regi
BURLESON, TEX. – On April 25 Stephen Brooks, formerly the executive secretary for the Southwest Region Conference, was elected to serve as executive secretary and public affairs and religious liberty director at the 31st Constituency Session of Southwestern Union.
BURLESON, TEX. - Osvaldo Rigacci was elected to serve the Southwestern Union as vice president for multicultural ministries at the Union’s 31st constituency session on April 25.
BURLESON, TEX. - Tony Anobile, currently serving as a vice president for the North American Division (NAD), has accepted a call to the Southwestern Union to serve as its Vice President for Church Ministries. “I’m humbled and honored to serve the Southwestern Union, its conferences, and members.
La Unión del Suroeste está tomando medidas para proteger y apoyar a los empleados, miembros, iglesias y escuelas durante el brote de la enfermedad por el coronavirus de 2019 (COVID-19).
The leadership of the Southwestern Union is taking steps to protect and support employees, members, churches and schools during the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) outbreak.
Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.